Results for 'Elí de Gortari'

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  1. Vvedenie v dialekticheskuiu logiku.Elí de Gortari - 1959
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  2. Filosofía de la prehistoria de México.Eli de Gortari - 1961 - Dianoia 7 (7):53.
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  3. La categoría de energía.Eli de Gortari - 1959 - Dianoia 5 (5):51.
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  4. La categoría de movimiento.Eli de Gortari - 1962 - Dianoia 8 (8):90.
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  5. La prueba de Cohen: culminación de la crisis en la axiomática.Eli de Gortari - 1965 - Dianoia 11 (11):40.
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  6. Operaciones metódicas de la lógica dialéctica.Eli de Gortari - 1956 - Dianoia 2 (2):109.
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  7. Una función universal para el cálculo de inferencias.Eli de Gortari - 1967 - Dianoia 13 (13):221.
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  8. Causalidad y determinismo.Eli de Gortari - 1960 - Dianoia 6 (6):22.
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  9. El tiempo en la física atómica.Eli de Gortari - 1958 - Dianoia 4 (4):64.
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  10. La fase deductiva del método materialista dialéctico.Eli de Gortari - 1955 - Dianoia 1 (1):69.
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  11. La información y sus relaciones.Eli de Gortari - 1964 - Dianoia 10 (10):106.
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  12. La predicción y sus consecuencias.Eli de Gortari - 1969 - Dianoia 15 (15):161.
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  13. La simetría como principio heurístico.Eli de Gortari - 1968 - Dianoia 14 (14):143.
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  14. Simetría, asimetría y antisimetría.Eli de Gortari - 1963 - Dianoia 9 (9):137.
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  15. Una mecanización del cálculo proposicional.Eli de Gortari - 1966 - Dianoia 12 (12):58.
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  16. Logic in Mexico With a Postscript: Eli de Gortari.W. Beller - 1995 - Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science 172:1-22.
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    Game Transfer Phenomena and Problematic Interactive Media Use: Dispositional and Media Habit Factors.Angelica B. Ortiz de Gortari & Jayne Gackenbach - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The study of the effects of interactive media has mainly focused on dysregulated behaviors, the conceptualization of which is supported by the paradigms of addiction. Research into Game Transfer Phenomena examines the interplay between video game features, events while playing, and the manipulation of hardware, which can lead to sensory-perceptual and cognitive intrusions and self-agency transient changes related to video games. GTP can influence the interpretation of stimuli and everyday interactions and, in contrast to gaming disorder, are relatively common and (...)
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    Reductionism in Quantum Mechanics: The Classical Limit in Alternative Formalisms.Javier Berjón de Gortari & Elias Okon - 2024 - Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 25:57-74.
    The classical limit problem refers to how the classical or Newtonian dynamics can be recovered from the principles of quantum mechanics. In other words the problem is how to reduce classical physics to quantum theory. It is commonplace to find in popular quantum mechanics texts that the problem is solved, nevertheless here we present a critique of these supposed solutions to the problem and we show why they are not really satisfactory. What we propose is to approach the problem from (...)
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    Multidimensional assessment of Game Transfer Phenomena: Intrusive cognitions, perceptual distortions, hallucinations and dissociations.Angelica B. Ortiz de Gortari & Åge Diseth - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Game Transfer Phenomena refers to a cluster of involuntary phenomena related to playing videogames, including sensory and cognitive intrusions, transient changes in perception and self-agency. The Game Transfer Phenomena Scale has been used to measure the frequency of GTP with respect to five factors. The present study aimed to validate an instrument for assessing the multiple dimensions of GTP that helps clarify the distinction between GTP experiences. GTP were contextualized onto the spectrum of intrusive cognitions, perceptual distortions, and dissociations. The (...)
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    Commentary: Playing the computer game tetris prior to viewing traumatic film material and subsequent intrusive memories: examining proactive interference.Angelica B. Ortiz de Gortari & Mark D. Griffiths - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Commentary: Musical hallucinations: review of treatment effects. [REVIEW]Mark D. Griffiths & Angelica B. Ortiz de Gortari - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Precisa-se de um novo Código Florestal: projetos nacionais e os debates em torno da alteração da legislação florestal brasileira entre 1934 e 1965.Ely Bergo De Carvalho & Isabela Cristina Rosa - 2019 - Dialogos 23 (3):216-240.
    A legislação florestal brasileira pretérita é frequentemente interpretada de forma anacrônica. O objetivo deste artigo é contribuir para a compreensão da historicidade de tal legislação. De forma específica, serão analisadas, comparativamente, as propostas de alteração do primeiro Código Florestal Brasileiro até sua substituição em 1965. Apesar de modificações importantes, há uma permanência entre os textos analisados: as posturas conservacionistas, presentes em todos eles, só podem ser compreendidas quando atreladas à lógica produtivista e às políticas desenvolvimentistas evidenciadas no Brasil da época.
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  23. Gerónimo Castillo de Bovadilla.Elías de Tejada & Francisco[From Old Catalog] - 1939 - Madrid,: Gráfica universal.
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  24. Las doctrinas políticas de Raimundo de Farias Brito.Francisco Elías de Tejada - 1953 - Sevilla,:
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    Tratado de filosofía del derecho.Francisco Elías de Tejada Y. Spínola - 1974 - Sevilla: Universidad de Sevilla.
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    The Constraint Is the Possibility.Gertrudis Van de Vijver & Eli Noé - 2011 - Idealistic Studies 41 (1-2):95-112.
    A reading of Kant’s viewpoint on objectivity is suggested that finds inspiration in the second part of the third Critique, on living systems. It develops the idea that the need to articulate the distinction between objectivity and subjectivity only emerges to the extent that something resists the anticipative procedures of a living, actively engaged being. The possibility of objective knowledge, so it is argued, rests on the possibility of developing an adequate orientation in a phenomenal world, i.e., the possibility of (...)
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  27. Introducción al estudio de la ontología jurídica.Francisco Elías de Tejada Y. Spínola - 1942 - Madrid: [Gráficas Ibarra].
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  28. (1 other version)Lecciones de derecho natural.González de Castejón Y. Elío & Francisco Javier - 1898 - Madrid: Imprenta de los Hijos de M.G. Hernández.
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    Política de identificação de estudantes em situação de deficiência em uma universidade pública brasileira.Sandra Eli Sartoreto de Oliveira Martins & Juliana Cavalcante De Andrade Louzada - 2022 - Educação E Filosofia 36 (76):65-96.
    Resumo: A partir da disseminação das políticas educacionais inclusivas observa-se um aumento de matrículas de estudantes em situação de deficiência no Ensino Superior, elegíveis aos serviços de Educação Especial, no Brasil. Este artigo objetiva analisar os critérios institucionais utilizados para delinear o perfil desses universitários nos dados Censitários da Universidade e, de que modo tais dados comungam com as políticas educacionais inclusivas vigentes. Por conseguinte, buscará compreender como as políticas institucionais da universidade se correlacionam com as do Censo do Ensino (...)
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  30. Filomúsica : reflexiones y perspectivas.Manuel de Elías - 2001 - In Sergio Espinosa Proa (ed.), Consonancias y disonancias: filosofía y música en el fin de milenio. México: Unidad Academica de Docencia Superior, Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas.
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  31. Primera axiomática científica y desarrollo posterior.Ermila Elíes de Pérez Perazzo - 1983 - Caracas: Universidad Central de Venezuela, Ediciones de la Biblioteca.
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    The capacity for self-sufficiency of Middle Byzantine urban settlements.Elie De Rosen - 2023 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 116 (3):763-796.
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    Ecological and constructivist approaches and the influence of illusions.Denise D. J. de Grave, Jeroen B. J. Smeets & Eli Brenner - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 25 (1):103-104.
    Norman tries to link the ecological and constructivist approaches to the dorsal and ventral pathways of the visual system. Such a link implies that the distinction is not only one of approach, but that different issues are studied. Norman identifies these issues as perception and action. The influence of contextual illusions is critical for Norman's arguments. We point out that fast (dorsal) actions can be fooled by contextual illusions while (ventral) perceptual judgements can be insensitive to them. We conclude that (...)
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    WOLLIC, CSLI, Stanford, USA July 18–21, 2006.Anjolina Grisi de Oliveira, Valéria de Paiva, Eli Ben-Sasson & Yuri Gurevich - 2007 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 13 (3).
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    Mortal Imitations of Divine Life: The Nature of the Soul in Aristotle's De Anima.Eli Diamond - 2015 - Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press.
    In Mortal Imitations of Divine Life, Diamond offers an interpretation of De Anima, which explains how and why Aristotle places souls in a hierarchy of value. Aristotle’s central intention in De Anima is to discover the nature and essence of soul—the prin­ciple of living beings. He does so by identifying the common structures underlying every living activity, whether it be eating, perceiving, thinking, or moving through space. As Diamond demonstrates through close readings of De Anima, the nature of the soul (...)
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    Les Territoires de l’Âge d’or. De l’Antiquité à l’ère du tourisme planétaire.Elie Piette - 2021 - Kernos 34:320-321.
    À l’origine du présent ouvrage se trouve un cours consacré aux voyages lointains dans l’imaginaire grec : l’A. nous emmène, à l’image de ses anciens étudiants, sur les traces de l’âge d’or à partir de ses évocations dans la culture occidentale, depuis Hésiode jusqu’à aujourd’hui, en passant par la découverte du Nouveau Monde et de Tahiti. Cette recherche est articulée autour des dimensions temporelle et spatiale du mythe (terme dont la pertinence est abordée p. 15), deux composantes dont la p...
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    Revue des revues.Elie Piette & Zoé Pitz - 2020 - Kernos 33:365-376.
    Acerbo Stefano, « Mito e storia nella mitografia di età imperiale: Lico πολέμαρχος (Apollod., Bibl. III 41) », Emerita 87–2 (2019), p. 285–304 [la référence à la polémarchie dans le récit de la conquête du pouvoir à Thèbes contribue au plan de composition du Ps.-Apollodore. Cette allusion anachronique peut être vue comme un choix d’auteur, qui montre le rôle joué par les mythographes dans l’interaction entre le temps mythique et le passé historique]. Ameling Walter, « Zum Kult der Arsinoe Phi...
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    Nous, Bergsonines manifeste de Kyoto.Elie During & Paul-Antoine Miquel - 2016 - Dissertatio 43 (S4):3-25.
    Este manifesto, escrito a quatro mãos no contexto de um colóquio sobre Bergson organizado no Japão, visa inicialmente responder a uma simples questão: que significa, hoje, trabalhar à maneira de Bergson? Não se trata de uma pergunta sobre a dedicação para com o corpus bergsoniano ou quanto a certos temas que o seu pensamento permite renovar a compreensão, mas sim sobre o método que ele próprio recomenda. Este método foi aplicado diligentemente por Bergson no curso de suas investigações, particularmente quanto (...)
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  39. On the Ways of Writing the History of the State.Eli B. Lichtenstein - 2020 - Foucault Studies 1 (28):71-95.
    Foucault's governmentality lectures at the Collège de France analyze the history of the state through the lens of governmental reason. However, these lectures largely omit consideration of the relationship between discipline and the state, prioritizing instead raison d'État and liberalism as dominant state technologies. To remedy this omission, I turn to Foucault's early studies of discipline and argue that they provide materials for the reconstruction of a genealogy of the "disciplinary state." In reconstructing this genealogy, I demonstrate that the disciplinary (...)
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    Les principes: De la distribution Des richesses.Élie Halévy - 1906 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 14 (4):545 - 595.
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  41. Essai de clarification en matiere ontologique.Hubert Elie - 1971 - Nancy,: impr. G. Thomas.
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    Le Signifiable Par Complexe: La Proposition Et Son Objet Gregoire De Rimini, Meinong, Russell.Hubert Elie - 1937 - Librairie Philosophique J Vrin.
    En 1936, Hubert Elie publiait une these remarquable: Le complexe significabile, accompagnee de l'edition et de la traduction du Traitee de l'infini de Jean Mair. Sous le terme technique de complexe significabile se trouve abordee la question du signifiable par complexe, c'est-a-dire du signifie de la proposition et de son statut objectif. L'ouvrage propose ainsi une double approche de la notion de signification et de ses rapports a la reference ontologique: l'analyse classique depuis Gregoire de Rimini a Leibniz, les points (...)
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    Explaining poverty and business with network concepts analysis.Elder Semprebon, Melody de Campos Soares Porsse, Elis Cristina Gurak & Flavia Dameto - 2020 - Business and Society Review 125 (3):311-327.
    Poverty observed from business in the academic field has evolved in some publications and is characterized as a multidimensional phenomenon, having several theoretical strands that add their attention to this problem. The objective of this study is to identify and cluster the variables of poverty in the business area through the network analysis. There were 1,745 keywords mentioned in 566 papers about the theme present in the Scopus database between 2000 and 2016. The results demonstrate a network with four clusters: (...)
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    Introduction a un spectacle de Jean cocteau: Donné Par la compagnie pitoëff.Elie Gagnebin - 1950 - Dialectica 4 (2):144-147.
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    El destino irónico del psicoanálisis feminista: El caso de Melanie Klein.Eli Zaretsky - 2003 - Signos Filosóficos 9:271-292.
    El psicoanálisis, desde mi punto de vista, es una teorí­a y una práctica para la vida personal. Su históricamente original telos fue, valga la expresión, el desmontaje de la familia, la liberación de lo individual de sus patrones paternal y maternal. Así­, para entender la diferencia que el género representa para las mujeres analistas de la década de 1920, tenemos que situarlas en relación con el despliegue de la historia de la vida personal. ésta, en cualquier caso, es la aproximación (...)
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  46. Les trois erreurs de Nicolas Sarkozy.Elie Cohen - forthcoming - Telos: Available At: Http://Www. Telos-Eu. Com/Fr/Article/Sarkozy_le_reformateur.
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  47. Aparisi y Guijarro, las claves de la tradición política española: (homenaje a D. Antonio Aparisi y Guijarro, 1872-1972).Antonio Aparisi Y. Guijarro & Francisco Elías de Tejada Y. Spínola (eds.) - 1973 - Sevilla: Ediciones Montejurra.
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  48. L'ère Des tyrannies: Exposé.Élie Halévy - 1936 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 36 (5).
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    De l’association des idées.Élie Halévy - 1900 - Bibliothèque du Congrès International de Philosophie 1:219-235.
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    Diccionario de pensadores.Ana Azanza Elío - 1997 - Pamplona: Eunate.
    v. 1. Pensadores navarros, siglos XII-XX.
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